is a description of the major sections within this site.
I - links to the Home page and offers information about the
Update List and special sales list.
II - lists the various pages and ways to view the jewelry on
this site: by gemstone, by type, by color, etc. all
found in the "Jewelry
Pages" section. Also, includes a link to the newest jewelry
pieces (What's New).
III - contains links to various ordering options including the
process for placing custom orders. This section also contains links
to my Copyright Notice, Privacy Statement, plus links to gemstone
and birth stone tables, jewelry care instructions and comments and
feedback from my customers.
IV - contains the artist's bio and a tour of her studio .
V - contains a categorized list of links and resources to other
useful and informative sites on the net.
VI - contains a link to the search function, Terms of Use and
a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
VII - contains an alert message to consumers about contextual
advertising, how to recognize if this is installed on the consumer's
computer system and links to instructions for removing those invasive
type programs.
hope you find my art jewelry site easy to navigate. At the
bottom of every page is a consistent set of navigation links.
In addition to these standard page links, there are "Previous Page"
buttons on most pages so it is easy to return to where you came
from and not get lost. Where appropriate, there are additional
links to page specific information and anywhere you see this image
(or similar logo) you may click on it to return
to my home page. There is also a search function on every page in
the bottom navigation table.
[top of page]