Designer Art Jewelry


Jewelry Artist
Nancy Bernardine


I'm an art jewelry designer working in silver, gold, and gemstones. 

A self-taught jeweler and lapidary, I've been making jewelry and cutting stones since 1991. 

I like bright and contrasting colors in my pieces and often create the design based on a unique stone that has unusual markings and is cut into a freeform cabochon.

All my work is hand crafted using the same fabrication methods used by metalsmiths for ages. 

My design style, a mix of classic, contemporary, and eclectic, combines clean lines, soft curves, geometric shapes and free form cabochons in both precious and common gemstones.  

I love to work with drusy because it's sparkle adds an unexpected touch of elegance to simple clean designs.. 


Because I enjoy the design phase best, you will find that most of my pieces are one of a kind or limited editions.

jewelry collage

Please visit my catalog to see my current work. Take a stroll through my studio to see where I create my jewelry. It isn't usually this organized though.


More images of my work will be added on a regular basis, so please bookmark my site and visit often to see What's New.  If you like my work and want an early look, please send a "Put me on your Update List" email to receive a notice when I update my site.

To learn about the origins and characteristics of many of the gem stones I use, and to see the rough stone and the polished results, go to the Gemstones link on my web site.





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Jewelry Catalog:
- bracelet
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- gold jewelry New
- custom jewelry
- what's new
- gift ideas

See jewelry by type:
- by gem stone
- by gemstones color

How to purchase:
- order info
- custom orders
- customer feedback
- contact

Other stuff :
- Gemstones

  - gemstone lore, history
  - cabochons and rough
  - birthstone lists
- about the artist
- studio tour
- links
- navigation tips
- jewelry updates



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November 27, 2002 2:43