This is a large site with over 1200 pages of jewelry and jewelry / gemstone related information. Here are some tips to help you find (or re-find) something on the site.
If you aren't sure what piece of jewelry you may want to see again, make a note of the inventory number. Then, set up a temporary "favorites" folder and bookmark the page until you decide.
The site maps are an extensive list of everything on the site:
main sitemap (long list)
jewelry sitemap
gemstone sitemap
birthstone sitemap
general info sitemap
jewelry - by type .....
The Jewelry Index lists jewelry by type (ring, earring, bracelet, etc.) with each type sorted alphabetically by major gemstone. This page can be helpful if you want to compare similar pieces of jewelry. The link to the Jewelry Index is in the navigation panel on every page under the section "See jewelry by type & gemstone".
jewelry - by major & minor gem ....
A second list, also by type, which includes both the major and minor stones in the piece. That link is found at the bottom of every page as "Table of Contents".
jewelry - by gemstone ...
To find jewelry made with a specific gemstone (opal, lapis, drusy, onyx, etc.) see "- by gemstones" in the navigation panel.
jewelry - by gem color ...
To find jewelry made with stones of a specific color (blue, black, green, etc.) use the "- by gem stone color" link in the navigation panel or the " - birthstone colors chart".
If you are using a 5.x or higher version browser, you can hover the mouse over the links in the navigation panel to see a brief description of what is offered on that page.