Gemstones Glossary

More gem stone info and resources

See contemporary silver and gold designer jewelry with gemstones.

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Gemstones and Birthstones

Facts, History, Pictures, Folklore and Gemstone Jewelry

Gemstone Information

Birthstone Information

Gemstone Chart

Glossary of facts, legends, myths and healing properties for over 60 of the most popular stones used in contemporary jewelry. Includes pictures of both rough and polished stones.

Jewelry by Gemstone

See this chart for a complete list, in alphabetical order, of designer jewelry made with a specific stone.

Jewelry by Color

This chart lists jewelry by stone color.

Gemstone Jewelry

This chart lists jewelry first by type (pendants, rings, bracelets, earrings and necklaces) and then by gemstone in alphabetical order.

Gemstone Colors

A chart of all stones and more common rocks by color.

Gemstones, Jewelry and Cabochons

Want to find information about stones, jewelry and cabs, all on the same page, and listed alphabetically by gemstone? This is the page!

Birthstone Colors

Pictures of birthstones in common colors.

Gemstone / Anniversary Gifts

In addition to these lists, there is also a list suggested by the Jewelers of America, the Gemological Institute of America, the American Gem Trade Association and the American Gem Society. Use this list to find the suggested gemstone to give for an anniversary for the 1st to the 75th year.



Birthstone Charts

This page offers birthstone tables for each of the following:

  1. Arabic
  2. Hebrew
  3. Hindu
  4. Italian
  5. Polish
  6. Roman
  7. Russian

Birthstone Jewelry

Links to pages of jewelry made with a specific birthstone and additional facts about the stone.

Pictures of Birthstones

Listed by color, this section has pictures of all the birthstones found in any of the birthstone tables mentioned above.

Birthstones by Color

Lists all the birthstones in order of color (red, blue, yellow, etc.), plus the symbolism and meaning of the colors and links to pictures of the stones.

Birthstone Colors by Month

This chart lists all birthstones from the various tables organized by month first, and then by color. Links to birthstone history and facts pages, plus links to pictures of the individual stones.

Birthstones of the Zodiac
Sun Signs (Star Signs)

All of the stones that are associated with each sign of the Zodiac.

Birthstones by Calendar Month

Compare Birthstones
One chart listing all the birthstones for all calendar months and all the signs of the Zodiac.

For more information about gems and rocks, visit and The Mineral Gallery and GEMROCKS: Ornamental & Curio Stones R. V. Dietrich © 2003.


The Curious Lore of Precious Stones
by G.F. Kunz. J.D. Lippincott. 1913
The Mineral Gallery
International Colored Gemstone Association
National Audubon Society Field Guide to Rocks and Minerals Alfed A. Knopf 1979
Stones - Their Collection, Identification and Uses by R. V. Dietrich. Geoscience Press. 1980
Guide to Gems and Precious Stones Simon & Schuster 1986
Gemstones of the World by Walter Schumann. Sterling Publishing Co., Inc.
Gems and Jewelry by Joel E. Arem. Geoscience Press. 1992
Healing Crystals by Cassandra Eason. Vega 2003



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Shop by:
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How to order:
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- custom orders
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Other stuff:

 - Gemstones:
  - information / facts
  - colors
  - cabochons and rough

- Birthstones:
  - birthstone charts
  - by birthstones colors
  - by months
  - colors by month

- wedding anniversary list
- about the jewelry artist
- studio tour
- request an update
- jewelry care



"Colorful & Dramatic Handcrafted Designer Jewelry"