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Custom Designed Jewelry

The Custom Order Process

(or how we will work together to create a special piece of jewelry)

(The Standard Ordering Process)


If my site doesn't have just quite what you're looking for, or if the item you wanted has been sold, I'll be glad to work with you to design a custom piece.

Most of my work is one-of-a-kind, however, if you found your way to this page because you really want a piece that has already sold, I do make similar pieces on request.  Since all my work is hand fabricated, there will be minor variations, but I can usually create a similar piece with slight modification in gemstone(s) or gemstone shape/cut. I will also work with you to design a completely new piece using stones or metal of your choice.

Limited Edition pieces are retired, usually, after a total of ten have been made.  If the piece you are interested in is marked as a "Limited Edition" and is also marked "Sold",  that doesn't necessarily mean all ten have been purchased because I usually make only a few pieces at a time.  It is marked "Sold" so that you will know there may be a delay of 1-3 weeks while I make another for you.

You may place a custom order right now for any piece that has a "Custom Order" button.  After receiving your order, I will email or call you with the approximate delivery schedule and/or any cost variation before charging your credit card. If I cannot make the piece exactly as shown, I will also call - before charging your card - to discuss this and offer suggestions for variations in gemstone or design.

To place a custom order now
for the piece you were just viewing, click here to return to that page and then click the "Custom Order" button which will take you to my secure server order page.

- or -

To discuss a variation of the piece or to order something that does not have a custom order button, you can call me toll free at 888-675-0689 and/or send an email with the inventory number or a description of a piece you are interested in.  Include your phone number and a convenient time for me to call you so we can discuss your order.


The Custom Order Process


The process for a custom order starts with your email or phone call to me. During this first phase you will tell me something about the jewelry you want (the type, stones, metal or anything else important to you) and I'll ask questions to help myself get a clear understanding of your wishes. This will usually involve several conversations. We will cover the stones, sizing of the piece, metals, finish, general design style, weight of the finished piece and an estimated price and delivery schedule.


I will also offer alternative suggestions when your original thoughts might end up producing a piece that, I think, you might be unhappy with. For instance, you may want a pair of earrings with specific stones in a certain size. If the stone you request is a very dense stone and the size is large, they may end up being very heavy earrings which would be uncomfortable to wear. In this case, I might suggest a smaller stone in a shape that would give the impression of a larger stone, but would result in a lighter weight earring.


At this point, I will create a design, or several designs, based on our discussions. Then using digital photos of the stones and a computer graphics program, I will create a private page on my site showing these design(s) and email you the URL to see the page. After you look at "your" page, we can discuss any other suggestions, modifications or changes you would like to make.


Here are a few examples of some private pages I have done for other customers. These are computer generated images for which I used one of my existing designs and made modifications. Using images of different stones I use a graphic editor to embed different stones "on" the piece. When I do not have an existing piece of jewelry similar to the requested design, I make a paper pattern and take a digital image with actual stones laid on the pattern.


See comments and feedback from my customers

Wholesale inquiries are welcome.

to place orders immediately - or - to discuss custom orders

or: 513-561-3057
Toll Free: 888-675-0689

FAX 509-693-9669


I guarantee the craftsmanship and materials used in my work and that all characterizations and descriptions offered by email and on my web pages are accurate. 

Return Policy for Custom Orders:

Custom/commission pieces have different return privileges which will be discussed in full during the design phase and prior to the final order process. 

Some designs are so personalized that they aren't salable to another customer and In those cases, although the custom piece is returnable for credit, the actual material costs, shipping/insurance fees and credit card fees (if applicable) plus the design fee is not refundable if the piece was made to specifications and arrived undamaged and in quality condition.

Material costs are those such as special order stones and/or metals. Design fees, for returned items, are based on actual hours required to provide an approved design and are charged at the rate of $40 per hour.

Design fees, material costs and shipping/insurance fees apply only when a custom design is approved by the customer, the piece is created and delivered in quality condition on or before the estimated delivery date, the finished piece matches the approved design in size, shape, stone quality and metal content and the customer decides not to purchase or keep the piece. (Note: In over ten years of custom jewelry design, I have had only one piece returned and that was before I used private pages to "show" the design.)

For custom orders that are not returned, but are kept by the customer, the design fee has been built into the estimated price and, therefore, no separate fee is charged. (Regular return policy applies to all non commissioned jewelry.)


If you have any questions about ordering a custom designed piece from me, please send me an email or call. I will be more than happy to answer or discuss your question in more detail.


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