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Brooches Are Getting A Modern Makeover And We're Raiding Grandma's Jewelry Box

While the latest accessory trends appear to center solely around jewelry, hats, and bags, there are numerous other accessories that may be used to enhance a look. The brooches are getting a modern makeover.

Johnny K.
Johnny K.
Jul 06, 2023476Shares26.4KViews
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  1. Logo Brooches
  2. Chain Brooches
  3. Logistical Brooch
  4. Petite Brooches
  5. Feather Brooches
  6. Unique Brooches
  7. Floral Brooches

While the latest accessory trends appear to center solely around jewelry, hats, and bags, there are numerous other accessories that may be used to enhance a look. The brooches are getting a modern makeover.

These small things are placed on top of your blazer, top, or dress to add flair with ease. Simply put on your brooch for an enhanced look or a splash of color.

Whatever way you choose to wear the brooch, it's a small piece that can make a big difference in your overall style.

Brooches are not new; they have been around for a long time. We've recently grown accustomed to seeing them on members of the royal family or others who wear them as a significant ornament.

However, this accessory is making a comeback to dazzle all of our looks. What's the finest aspect of a brooch? You can quickly remove it and pin it to any or all of your outfits, making it quite adaptable.

A brooch can very easily be worn with your preferred attire. You can add a touch of sophistication and elegance by simply selecting your favorite brooch, or borrowing one from your grandmother.

Logo Brooches

A woman walking while wearing a logo brooch

Logomania was a craze a few seasons ago, but we can't get enough of a nice logo item. Logo brooches have long been a low-key method to show your support for your favorite apparel brands and designers.

These pieces are typically among the most accessible at designer boutiques, making them an easy method to obtain a designer item.

Chain Brooches

A woman walking with a chain brooch connected to her clothes
A woman walking with a chain brooch connected to her clothes

Chains are an intriguing accessory that can give any outfit a real edge. A chain-linked double brooch will not only offer you an edgy look but will also provide you with two brooches in one.

A chained brooch is a delightful accent that elevates it above your grandmother's broach. Despite the fact that the brooch is a historical and older ornament, adding a chain component instantly modernizes it.

Logistical Brooch

A woman wearing a logistical brooch

Brooches aren't just for decoration; they can also be functional in your clothing. Many brooches are used to secure a piece of clothing together in your outfit.

A brooch, like a button or a hook, can provide a trendy touch to an item of clothing. You can also use a brooch to link the excess front on a jacket or top, allowing you to fasten it closed.

These brooches will not only enhance your look, but they will also last longer and are simple to remove when no longer required.

Petite Brooches

A woman wearing the latest fashion dress in blue and pink with a petite brooch

Yes, big ornaments might be a beautiful tribute to high couture, but smaller brooches are just as stylish. Despite their small size, these tiny brooches are adorable and make a big statement.

And you don't need a flashy brooch, especially if it doesn't match your outfit. If you prefer a more minimalist style, a little brooch can lend a particular touch to your attire without sacrificing fashion.

Feather Brooches

A stunning black woman is smiling while wearing a white feather brooch

Sometimes all you need is a feather brooch to complete your ensemble. Although a feather brooch may appear excessive to some, it is a fun and textured accent that can complement your clothing.

A feathery brooch may appear gimmicky, but it will elevate your look to haute couture status. There's nothing wrong with injecting some organic fashion into your ensemble to make it stand out even more.

Unique Brooches

A woman wearing a modern dress while wearing a huge blue unique brooch

While you may believe that feather brooches are the most unusual, certain bold and wild brooches will absolutely enchant your accessory collection.

Unique brooches can be enormous, textured, multicolored, and many other things, and will help you complete your outfits. A one-of-a-kind brooch will add flair to your minimalist ensemble or complement your maximalist style.

You can't go wrong with a brooch to add a flash of color to a neutral appearance or to add another element to a colorful combination.

Floral Brooches

A woman walking with confidence while wearing a red floral brooch

Rosettes, too, have had their day and are now ready to grow into brooches. A floral brooch will make your clothing even more lovely and feminine. Floral brooches are distinctive, little accessories that will most likely last a lifetime.

A traditional flower brooch is a simple addition to any ensemble that requires a floral touch.

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