Custom Jewelry

Handmade Jewelry

Designer Jewelry          

  Designer Art Jewelry


Design and Soldering Benches

design bench

The shelves above the bench hold cabochons, inventory cards, findings, burs, thousands of little flex shaft accessories, cue tips, toothpicks, cotton balls and stuff, stuff and more stuff! I'm a tool junkie and cannot get out of a hardware store or jewelry supply house in under three hours - even if I only went in to get a light bulb.

Poking around in all those plastic bins is like a treasure hunt. I always come home with some new toy or an interesting piece of hardware that, I know, someday will be just what I need for some future task - jewelry making or otherwise.

back to studio pictures



- contact
- site map
- glossary


- bracelets
- handmade chains
- cufflinks
- earrings
- necklaces
- gemstone pendants
- pin / pendants
- rings
- men's rings

- bead necklaces
- gold jewelry
- silver jewelry

- custom jewelry
- custom designs
- custom design ideas

- what's new
- gift ideas

Shop by:
- gemstone
- type & gemstone
- gemstone color

How to order:
- order & shipping info
- custom orders
- customer feedback

Other stuff:

 - Gemstones:
  - information / facts
  - colors
  - cabochons and rough

- Birthstones:
  - birthstone charts
  - by birthstones colors
  - by months
  - colors by month

- wedding anniversary list
- about the jewelry artist
- studio tour
- request an update
- jewelry care





"Colorful & Dramatic Handcrafted Designer Jewelry"