Silver and Gold Market Prices
Updated on: May 10, 2011
Due to the recent volatility in the gold and silver markets, prices
are subject to change without notice.
If you place an order we will notify you by phone or email if the
price has changed due to a market rate increase and you may cancel
your order if you do not approve the price increase.
The price
of silver increased from an average of $5.00 an ounce in 2003
to over $20.00 an ounce in March 2008. In 2010, silver began rising
again and ended the year at just under $30.00 an ounce. In 2011,
silver rose to almost $50.00 before beginning to fall. Click for
silver market.
prices increased from an average of $360.00 in 2003 to over
$700.00 in May 2006 and hovered around $1000.00 in mid-March 2008.
In April 2006, the price of gold started fluctuating sharply with
prices as high as $725. This was the highest gold had been since
1988. In 2009, 2010, and 2011 gold rose sharply rising to over $1200
in 2009, over $1400 in 2010 with a high of $1541 in May 2011. Click
for current
gold market.
If you place an order in the shopping cart and the price of the
item has increased due to increases in the gold and/or silver markets,
we will notify you by email or phone to request your approval of
the increased price. If you do not wish to approve the price increase
you may cancel the order at that time and receive a full refund.
If you wish to verify the current price shown for an item before
placing an order, please emailor
call us anytime
between 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM EST.