- A -
The term used to describe a gemstone with a brilliant luster
like that of a diamond.
form of chalcedony
which forms from layers of quartz
usually showing varicolored bands. It usually occurs as rounded
nodules or veins. The composition of agate varies greatly, but silica
is always predominant, usually with alumina and oxide of iron. 
are found in the USA, Brazil, Mexico, Africa, Egypt, India, Italy,
Nepal, Germany and Asia.
is a variety of chrysoberyl. Named after Czar Alexander II, it is
a color change stone that is green in daylight and light red in
artificial light. Mined in Sri Lanka, Rhodesia, Brazil, Burma, Tasmania
and the U.S.
An alloy is the homogeneous mixture or solid solution of two or
more metallic elements or metallic and nonmetallic elements. The
alloy is usually achieved by bringing the metals to a molten state
under high temperatures and fusing or dissolving them into one solid
solution. In jewelry, combining different metals is commonly done
to augment the color, hardness and/or luster of the resulting alloy.
Some common alloys used in jewelry manufacture:
Common gold
alloys are made by mixing gold, silver,
copper, and/or other metals to produce 14K, 18K and 22K gold, white
gold (gold and nickel
or palladium), rose gold (gold and copper), green gold (gold with
silver or silver and cadmium) , and blue gold (a recent gold color
perfected by only a few jewelers).
Sterling silver is a combination of 92.5% silver and 7.5% copper,
while coin silver is 80% silver and 20% copper.
is an alloy typically of 60% copper and 40% zinc.
is an alloy of at least 60% copper and tin or other metals.
is an alloy of low melting point metals including tin, lead, antimony,
bismuth and sometimes a bit of silver or copper. U.S. manufacturer's
are required by law to make lead free pewter.
is a black alloy of silver, copper, lead and sulfur. It is used
to fill engraving, imparting an inlaid effect after the metal is
fired and polished.
Nickel silver (also called German silver) is a white metal alloy
of 70% copper, 20% zinc and 10% nickel. It contains no silver. Many
people are allergic to nickel and because of this, the use of nickel
silver in jewelry has been outlawed in some countries.
violet-tinged variety of garnet that ranges from a deep rich red
to purplish red to orange reddish-brown color. The most valuable
stones contain less orange and brown. There are many varieties of
but almandine is the most common. The star garnet which exhibits
is an almandine.
is a gem variety of microcline feldspar. It displays a schiller
of light which is caused by . Amazonite varies from bright verdigris
green to a bluish green and is mined in the United States, Brazil,
Zimbabwe, Russia, Australia and Namibia.
is a fossilized resin from pine trees. Amber deposits have been
found that are over 150 million years old, but most amber used in
jewelry or ornamentals is between 20-90 million years old. As the
sticky resin oozed
from ancient pine trees, small insects, plant material, feathers
and other small objects in the path of the flow became entrapped.
Over time, the resin was encased in dirt and debris and through
a process of heat and pressure it fossilized to become amber. Amber
exhibits a resinous luster.
Also, see reconstituted
amber and inclusions.
is the purple variety of quartz.
To be called amethyst, it must be the purple form of quartz although
it can display a wide range of purple shades including purple, lilac
and mauve. The most valuable amethyst is a deep purple.
Amethyst is found in geodes and alluvial deposits all over the
world and occurs in both crystalline or massive forms. It is a 7
on the Mohs
scale of hardness.
"Green amethyst" is a misnomer since the term
"amethyst" applies only to the purple variety of
quartz. However, that doesn't stop the marketing of these less valuable
pale amethyst stones after irradiation and/or heat treatments turn
the color green. Properly, after treatment, this stone should be
marketed as Prasiolite or Green Quartz, not green amethyst, and
it should not be marketed as "rare" since there is an
abundance of pale lavender quartz which can be treated to produce
a light spring green stone.
is a bicolor variety of quartz containing both amethyst and citrine
colors. The stone is usually cut in facets in a rectangular shape
to show both the yellow and purple colors. The Anahi Mine in Bolivia
is the only confirmed source for natural ametrine.
is the mineralized, fossilized and opalized remains of an ammonite
shell which was exposed to tectonic pressure, mineralization, and
intense heat.
faring creatures from the Cretaceous period, ammonites
were mollusks that built a chambered shell in which they would pump
air into the empty chambers which allowed them to float at different
levels of the ocean.
A small object usually worn around the neck or as a ring to ward
off evil, harm, or illness. May also be worn to bring good fortune
and protection from harm. A charm, fetish or good-luck piece.
Some common amulets:
scarab amulet was sacred to the Egyptians and symbolized rebirth.
The Ankh
is an Egyptian amulet which symbolized eternal life. It is thought
to be the oldest and most sacred Egyptian amulet. The Eye of Horus
amulet was believed to protect the wearer from evil in life and
in the Afterlife. Also see talisman.
Amulet Bag
small fringed bag made to hold amulets, talismans
or charms.
ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic representing life, or the power to
give life. A symbol that looks like a cross with a loop at the top,
many Egyptian artifacts depict the gods holding an Ankh.
Metal is annealed by heating to make it workable. In the making
of jewelry, precious metals become work hardened or stressed when
they are hammered, forged, rolled or bent (as in fold forming) making
it brittle. Jewelers sometime purchase metals in their annealed
state which may be referred to as soft or half hard. Different metals
become annealed at different temperatures and jewelers look for
the "color" to determine when the metal has reached its
annealed state. These colors are described as bright orange, dull
red and cherry red.
Anniversary Gifts
The chart below lists the most accepted jewelry and gemstone gifts
as endorsed by the Jewelers of America, the Gemological Institute
of America (GIA), the American Gem Society,and the American Gem
Trade Association.
For a more complete table of anniversary gifts that includes Traditional
Anniversary Gifts (Emily Post's original list), Modern Anniversary
Gifts, and a list of Anniversary Flowers see our complete anniversary
gifts list.
Antique Finish
A chemical finish applied to jewelry to make it appear old. Liver
of Sulfur has been the industry standard used to apply a darkened
gray/black or "oxidized" appearance to silver, copper
or bronze and is accomplished by repeated applications. Yellowish,
reddish brown, purple or blueish hues can be obtained by using weak
solutions sometimes in combination with other chemicals. There are
also a number of commercial products available to obtain an antique
Antique styles
Various styles of antique jewelry were popular during the Art
Deco, Art
Nouveau, Edwardian,
is a member of the beryl family and ranges in color from a pale
almost colorless blue to blue-green to pure blue. Some of these
stones are heated to enhance their color and change a light colored
stone to pure blue. Usually faceted,aquamarines are also cut as
and may then exhibit asterism.
Legend tells of sailors who wore aquamarines to keep them safe and
to prevent seasickness. The most valuable aquamarines come from
Art Deco
Art Deco was a popular design movement from 1920 until 1935. This
style is geometric and includes stylised images of airplanes, cars,
ships and skyscrapers. It also used natural motifs of organic shapes
such as shells, trees and flowers with bold colors and striking
Art Nouveau
Art Nouveau is a style of art, architecture and design that was
popular from 1880 to 1914. It is characterised by highly-stylised
and flowing designs which often included floral and other organic
A luminous star like effect exhibited in some gemstones
like star sapphires,
and rubies. Asterism is caused by inclusions
of tiny, parallel, rutile needles and may result in four, six or
even twelve rayed stars. (Pronounced: as-ter-iz-mm)
The effect caused by small inclusions
of minerals like mica, hematite,
pyrite, or goethite which cause a gemstone
to exhibit a glistening or sparkling effect when rotated or moved.
The name is derived from aventurine,
a green variety of quartz. (Pronounced: ah-ven-shur-ess-ense)
is a translucent to opaque
variety of microcrystalline quartz.
Small inclusions of shiny minerals give the stone a sparkling effect
known as aventurescence. Aventurine ranges in color from green,
peach, brown, blue and a creamy green. Mohs hardness is 6.5. (Pronounced:
Azurite is a copper-based mineral that ranges in color from very
deep blue to pale blue. A relatively
soft mineral, azurite has a hardness of 3.5 to 4. Azurite is found
in many areas of the world including: Australia, the southwestern
USA, France, Mexico, Morocco, Namibia, Zaire, and Europe.
which is another copper-based mineral, is often found with azurite.
When found together it is called Azurite-Malachite.