Agate is the Mystical birthstone for September.
It is also the birth stone for the Zodiac sign of Gemini (see
the birthstone
list for other references to agate). Agate is the
accepted gemstone for the 12th and 14th wedding anniversaries.
A very small sample of some of the many agates
which are found all over the world. A hard stone, usually
within the range of 7-9 on the Mohs
scale agates are found in all colors of the rainbow, although
green and blue are quite rare.
Agate is a variety of chalcedony
formed from layers of quartz which usually show varicolored
bands. It usually occurs as rounded nodules or veins.
Often tiny quartz crystals form within the stone
and add to the beauty and uniqueness of individual stones. These
crystals are called drusy
(sometimes misspelled as druzy). Lapidaries often cut just
the drusy from an agate and jewelers use these drusy cabochons
as the main stone or as an accent stone in their jewelry designs.
Some named varieties are: moss agate, eye agate; and plume
agate, which looks like it's filled with beautiful feather
plumes (see more agate
variety names).
Agate is a relatively inexpensive stone except for some
varieties with unusual banded or scenic markings. In recent
years, Montana agate has gained wide acceptance in jewelry
and well cut stones with nicely defined patterns often exceed
the price of some of the more well known gemstones. Plume
agate is another that often brings high dollar.
Agate is found all over the world including: the Africa,
Asia, Brazil, Egypt, Germany, India, Italy, Mexico, Nepal,
and the USA.
Pictures and description of Montana
Class: tectosilicate
Crystal system: Hexagonal
Specific gravity: 2.57-2.64
dull vitreous
to greasy
Transparency: transparent
or opaque
Fracture: conchoidal to splintery
Streak: white
Agate is believed to discern truth, accept circumstances,
and is a powerful emotional healer. Legend says that Agate
improves memory and concentration, increases stamina and encourages
honesty. Agate is said to be particularly beneficial to people
born under the sign of Gemini as it helps them to remain calm
and focused
It is believed to prevent insomnia and insure pleasant dreams,
to enhance personal courage and protect one against danger.
Agate provides a calming influence, improves perception, concentration
and helps to develop and increase one's analytical talents.