Custom Designed Handcrafted Drusy Cabochon Bracelets
Six versions of example handcrafted jewelry drusy bracelets. Four are black and natural shades and two are chrysocolla drusy with shades of aqua colored stones.
These images are computer generated using a graphic editor to embed pictures of
stones on to an image of a previously made bracelet.
Different gemstones, linking structure and/or clasps are available.
The stones in the images of these bracelets are identified starting at the
topmost stone following the bracelet to the left, down and to the right.
Please email or call if you are interested in having a custom made link bracelet designed.
Click images for expanded view, detailed description and pricing.
Drusy Bracelet #1
black drusy quartz, faceted citrine, Moroccan ammonite, golden drusy quartz, faceted citrine, black drusy quartz, blk drusy qts, spotted white drusy qts, blk drusy qts $625
Druzy Bracelet #2
black drusy quartz, faceted citrine, golden drusy qts, blk drusy quartz, faceted citrine, white drusy qts, blk drusy qts, Moroccan ammonite, golden drusy qts $625
Drusy Cabochon Bracelet #3
black drusy quartz, faceted citrine, Chinese writing stone, golden drusy quartz,-blk drusy qts, faceted citrine, white drusy qts, blk drusy qts, Moroccan ammonite, golden drusy qts $650
Drusy Cabochon Bracelet #4
black drusy quartz, faceted citrine, -Montana agate, golden drusy quartz, blk drusy qts, faceted citrine, Chinese writing stone, blk drusy qts, Moroccan ammonite, golden drusy qts $625
Druzy Cabochon Bracelet #5
turquoise, faceted topaz, chrysocolla drusy, pyrite drusy, faceted topaz, chrysocolla drusy qts, chrysocolla drusy, chrysocolla drusy qts, quantum quattro $700
Drusy Cabochon Bracelet #6
quantum quattro, faceted topaz, chrysocolla drusy, pyrite drusy, faceted topaz, chrysocolla drusy qts, quantum quattro, chrysocolla drusy, larimar $650
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