Custom Jewelry

  Bernardine Fine Custom Jewelry



Example Designs for Chrysocolla Drusy Pin / Pendant


mabe pearl, chrysocolla druzy pendant

Drusy, mabe pearl, faceted peridot This is a nice mabe pearl and the peridot compliments the piece with a little contrasting color. 

Finished piece



  drusy, Peruvian opal, chrysocolla pendant

Drusy, Peruvian opal, azurite / malachite. It is hard to see in this picture, but the Peruvian opal matches the right side of the drusy almost exactly so they are very complimentary stones. 


boulder opal and drusy pendant

Drusy, boulder opal and a CZ. Turquoise flash in the opal matches drusy exactly!  Opal has a touch of purple flash and some golden brown. 



turquoise and drusy pendant design

Turquoise, chrysocolla drusy, CZ and faceted peridot with 14K gold


Finished Piece with Mabe Pearl

mabe pearl and chrysocolla drusy pendant

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"Colorful & Dramatic Handcrafted Designer Jewelry"