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Black Gemstones - Stones In Black Shades And Mixed Colors

In the mesmerizing world of black gemstones, where darkness meets radiance, every facet tells a story of unparalleled beauty. From agate to obsidian, add their allure in your jewelry collection.

Lee Moon
Lee Moon
Jan 19, 2024153 Shares9.5K Views
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  1. Black Beauty
  2. Black Means A Lot
  3. Black Birthstone

The exquisite beauty of black gemstoneshas emerged as a distinctive and revered facet of the jewelryworld.

In the realm of precious gemstones, black holds a mysterious allure that captivates the senses and evokes a sense of timeless elegance.

These alluring gems, with their deep, velvety hues, carry an inherent charm that transcends traditional notions of gemstone aesthetics.

Black Beauty

Think of a black gemstone and, like most people, you probably think first of black onyx, but there are many other gemstones in various shades of black, grey, charcoal, ebony, and slate.

Shown below are pictures of some common and uncommon black stones:

a. Agate

An agate with a straight top curved bottom and small and big black spots or specks on it

b. Ammonite

An ammonite with a cephalopod fossil and with its lines in black

c. Black Pearl

A small black pearl in the middle of an elongated rough stone

d. Black Spinel

A rectangular black spinel with curved edges and polished surface

e. Chinese Writing Stone

A triangular black Chinese Writing Stone with a curved bottom and some irregular-shaped beige patches

f. Drusy

A rectangular black drusy that narrows down a bit on the right side, with sparkling bits on it

g. Hematite

A small, circular, shiny black hematite

h. Rainbow Obsidian

A round, shiny black rainbow obsidian, with a circular-colored part in the middle mainly in purple shade

i. Mahogany Obsidian

An oval obsidian with combined patches of black and mahogany
An oval obsidian with combined patches of black and mahogany

j. Snowflake Obsidian

A rectangular black snowflake obsidian with curved edges and big white map-like patches

k. Onyx

A pure black onyx shaped like a heraldic shield, with the top flat and the bottom sharply curved

l. Orthoceras (Cephalopod)

A long black Orthoceras with a pointed end and a scale-like cephalopod fossil in the middle

m. Palm Wood

A conical black palm wood with a brownish bottom

n. Picasso Marble

An irregularly-shaped Picasso marble with black lines and in mixed colors

o. Black StarSapphire

A black star sapphire, with four thin lines intersecting at the middle

Black Means A Lot

Black is associated with mystery and the great unknown.

It is believed that wearing black or grey stones in jewelry, or clothing, suppresses and protects the emotions while portraying the wearer as:

  • mysterious
  • sexy
  • sophisticated

Black banishes and absorbs negativity, it is symbolic of outer space and the universe.

Black is the absence of all color.

In some cultures black represented fertility; in others, it represented wisdom. However, it is also often linked with evil, and, in many cultures, black is the color of mourning.

Black Birthstone

Here are four black gemstones and some information regarding birthstones:

a. Agate Birthstone

BirthstoneMonth/Zodiac Sign
Arabic BirthstoneJune
Ayurvedic BirthstoneMay
Hebrew BirthstoneMay
Mystical BirthstoneSeptember
Roman BirthstoneMay
Sun Sign (Star Sign)Aquarius, Capricorn
Talismanic BirthstoneLibra
Zodiac BirthstoneGemini

b. Onyx Birthstone

BirthstoneMonth/Zodiac Sign
Hebrew BirthstoneJuly
Mystical BirthstoneDecember
Roman BirthstoneJuly
Talismanic BirthstoneCapricorn
Zodiac BirthstoneLeo

c. Pearl Birthstone

BirthstoneMonth/Zodiac Sign
Ayurvedic BirthstoneJune
Hindu BirthstoneJune
Modern BirthstoneJune
Mystical BirthstoneNovember
Sun Sign (Star Sign)Cancer, Gemini

d. Sapphire Birthstone

BirthstoneMonth or Planetary/Zodiac Sign
Arabic BirthstoneApril
Ayurvedic BirthstoneAugust
Hebrew BirthstoneApril
Hindu BirthstoneJuly
Modern BirthstoneSeptember
Mystical BirthstoneMay
Roman BirthstoneApril
Sun Sign (Star Sign)Pisces, Sagittarius, Taurus, Virgo
Talismanic BirthstoneCancer
Traditional BirthstoneSeptember
Zodiac BirthstoneTaurus

From the profound beauty of the black onyx to the shimmering elegance of black sapphires, they possess a unique character.

These black gemstones offer an unparalleled canvas for designers and enthusiasts alike to explore the depths of sophistication and style.

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