Unique Birthstone Jewelry
Yellow Topaz is the modern November birthstone and blue topaz
is the Modern December birthstone. Topaz is the accepted gem
for the fourth, 19th and 23rd wedding anniversaries. See other
and November
birth stones: Traditional, Contemporary, Mystical,
Ancient, Zodiac and Star signs.
See more topaz
is found in a variety of colors including: brown, red, orange,
pink, sherry, yellow as well as colorless. Imperial Topaz
is used to denote a stone that is reddish orange. Green and
blue topaz are naturally very pale, they are often irradiated
to produce more intense colors.
Blue Topaz, Swiss Blue Topaz, London Blue Ttopaz are names
used in the gem trades to refer to the depth of color. Sky
Blue is the lightest while London Blue is the darkest blue.
The principal sources for topaz are Brazil, Sri Lanka, Russia,
Australia, Africa, Mexico and Pakistan.
Pictures of Birth Stones by Color:
Birthstones by Month
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