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More Agate Facts, Myths and Legends

Agate Jewelry:

Montana Agate Pendant Slide

Montana Agate, Moonstone Silver Pendant

Sterling Silver Link Bracelet Design

agate drusy pendant
Drusy Agate, Opal Pendant

Plume Agate Pendant

Crazy Lace Agate Pendant


Men's Montana Agate Wide Band Ring

Red Jasper Pendant and Crazy Lace Agate

Sterling Silver Drusy Bracelet

Silver Palm Wood Cabochon Link Bracelet

Sterling Silver Link Bracelet Design

Handmade Sterling Chain with Gemstones

agate pendant

Montana Agate Pendant Design

Cabochon Link Bracelet - Sterling, Gold, Gemstones


Crazy Lace Agate Slide ~ Pendant


Unique Birthstone Jewelry

Agate is the Mystical birthstone for September. It is also the birth stone for the Zodiac sign of Gemini. The following list shows all the other birthstone tables in which agate appears as either a birth/natal stone or as the stone for a given zodiac or astrological sign.


See more agate jewelry.


  • Mystical - September
  • Ayurvedic - May
  • Zodiac - Gemini
  • Sun Sign (Star Sign) - Capricorn
  • Sun Sign (Star Sign) - Aquarius
  • Sun Sign (Star Sign) - Gemini
  • Talismanic - Libra
  • Hebrew - May
  • Roman - May
  • Arabic - June

The word Agate comes from the Greek name for a stone originally found in the Achates River in Sicily (currently known as Drillo River). Agate has been found with the remains of Stone Age man in France from as early as 20,000-16,000 B.C. and the Egyptians used agates prior to 3000 B.C. for talismans, amulets, seals, rings and vessels. Early civilizations used eye beads to protect them from evil and bring good luck. They created eye beads by carving a hole through an agate disc.

Although agate is found all over the world, the most exceptional specimens come from Southern Brazil and Northern Uruguay. However, the moss agates of Colorado and Montana are equal in beauty and some beautiful specimens have been found in Mexico and California, U.S. A geode type of agate, called "Thunder Egg" by Native American Indians, is found in Oregon. Fire agates come from Mexico and Arizona. Commercial deposits exist in China, Mexico, India, Madagascar, and the U.S. along the shores of Lake Superior agates are found all over the world where highly pressurized hot water rich in silica filled crevices and vugs.

The outer surface of an agate is rough, pitted and ugly. It masks the beauty of the crystal inside. However, the crust is weak and somewhat fragile and over centuries it is washed away allowing the gemstone to be discovered along rivers and streams.



Agate is a microcrystalline variety of chalcedony, 6.5-7 on the Mohs scale, which occur in nodular masses in volcanic lava rocks. They form in concentric layers and fill cavities in a host rock. The results are round nodules bands similar to tree trunks and may appear as eyes, scallops, or as landscapes with dendrites that look like trees. This last type is called Tree Agate or Moss Agate. Many fossils are actually agatized material that replaced an organic substance such as wood. Many varieties of petrified wood are used for jewelry an ornamental purposes because the original structure has been replaced with agate.


Agate occurs in most colors including black, gray, brown, reddish, green, pink, blue, and yellow from transparent to opaque. Today, many of these stones are artificially dyed to enhance the depth of color and to produce more vivid tones than those found in nature. The stone in this pendant is not dyed and shows the dramatic coloring found in Montana agates.



There are thousands of localities worldwide where agate specimens have been found, many of these are named for the locality. Some areas with exceptionally beautiful specimens have been depleted by over mining, but because agate is so common there are usually several new discoveries each year. The following is only a partial listing of the most commonly known varieties:

Banded Agate
Blue Agate
Blue Lace Agate
Botswana Agate
Brecciated Agate
Carnelian Agate
Cloud Agate
Crazy Lace Agate
Dendritic Agate
Fire Agate

Green Agate
Indian Agate
Laguna Agate
Mexican Lace Agate
Montana Agate
Moss Agate
Nipomo Agate
Oregon Snakeskin Agate
Picture Agate
Plume Agate

Pom Pom Agate
Rainbow Agate
Russian Agate
Sagenite Agate
Sweetwater Agate
Tree Agate
Wood Agate
Tube Agate
Turretella Agate

History and Interesting Facts:

The hobby of collecting bowls made of agate was popular during the renaissance and this activity was responsible for the growth of the lapidary industry near Idar-Oberstein in Germany. Although agate beds were originally found in that area, most of the local deposits were depleted in the nineteenth century and the majority of agate coming out of the shops in Idar-Oberstein today are imported from Brazil.

Many Gem and Mineral shows sponsor old time rock hounds that bring hundreds of geodes to break open with a specially made tool that "pops" the geode open leaving the internal material undamaged. Crowds that gather at his booth pay a few dollars in hopes of owning a beautiful specimen full of amethyst or citrine crystals. Agate geodes can be very small (as small as a fruit seed) or very large. The largest geode ever mined was found in Brazil and weighed almost two tons.

Agate is the state gemstone (or stone, rock) of: Kentucky (Rock) - Kentucky Agate; Louisiana and Montana (gemstone) - Agate; Tennessee (stone) - Agate; Minnesota (gemstone)- Lake Superior Agate; Nebraska (gem) - Blue Agate; South Dakota (gemstone) - Fairburn Agate ; Nebraska (rock) - Prairie Agate; Arizona (mineral - unofficial) - Fire Agate.

Besides its use in jewelry, vessels, and ornamental objects, children's marbles were once made of agate and were called "aggies" in reference to their composition.


Legends, Myths and Healing Properties:

Ancient civilizations believed that wearing agate would make them invisible, thus protecting them from danger. Farmers used agates to ensure good crops. Romans wore agate to please the gods that would bring an abundant harvest. In Persia, agate was worn to confer eloquence and magicians used the crystal to divert dangerous storms. In ancient Asia, agates were used to see the future. Early Britons used the gem to prevent skin disease. Agate talismans were worn in the Middle East to keep the blood healthy. Sucking on an agate was thought to relieve thirst. Another legend says that any person who looks upon an agate can not remain secretive and is obligated to tell the truth.

Agate is said to have mystical powers to guard one against danger, to cure insomnia, to ensure pleasant dreams and to help with clarity enabling one to see the world through a broader perspective. It attracts good fortune, increases concentration and promotes good will. Agate is reported to be an aid in overcoming flaws, fears, and loneliness. It is believed to remove curses and spells and helps to eliminate bad luck. Many believe that agate has a calming effect during times of stress and that it gives a sense of strength and courage. It is thought to stimulate fertility and to be advantageous in relieving bone marrow ailments and allergies. Artists and writers have used agate to enhance creativity.

For centuries agate was known as a powerful healer, a bringer of good fortune and wealth. Hindu mystics believe that agate helps children overcome fears.

Because agate has been known and regarded around the world for thousands of years, its beneficial and healing properties are diverse and almost innumerable. Only some of the reputed benefits found in literature are listed below:

aids self confidence
aids communication and public speaking
aids digestion
aids with arthritis and headaches
aids in overcoming addictive behaviors
banishes fear
brings good luck
clams the mind
cures inflammation
fever reduction
general healing
heals ulcers
improves circulation

improves courage
improves hearing
improves memory
improves throat conditions
improves vitality
lessons headaches
marital and romantic fidelity
physical strength
reduces stress and emotional tension
stimulates the intellect
suppresses anger


Pictures of Birth Stones by Color:















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Sources of Information:
The Curious Lore of Precious Stones
by G.F. Kunz. J.D. Lippincott. 1913
The Mineral Gallery
The Mineral and Gemstone Kingdom
International Colored Gemstone Association
National Audubon Society Field Guide to Rocks and Minerals Alfed A. Knopf 1979
Stones - Their Collection, Identification and Uses by R. V. Dietrich. Geoscience Press. 1980
Guide to Gems and Precious Stones Simon & Schuster 1986
Gemstones of the World by Walter Schumann. Sterling Publishing Co., Inc.
Gems and Jewelry by Joel E. Arem. Geoscience Press. 1992
Gems in Myth, Legend, and Lore by Bruce G. Knuth. Jeweler's Press 1999
Healing Crystals by Cassandra Eason. Vega 2003









"Colorful & Dramatic Handcrafted Designer Jewelry"