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Diamond In The Rough - Beloved Jewelry Store Closure Leaves Customers Fuming After Entrusting Precious Items

The beloved jewelry store closure leaves customers fuming after entrusting precious items. Camelot Jewelers in Dunwoody, Georgia, a northern suburb of Atlanta, announced its closing on a sign displayed on the store's entrance.

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Lee Moon
Jun 28, 20234.3KShares84.7KViews
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  1. The Owner Of A Jewelry Store Speaks Out

The beloved jewelry store closure leaves customers fuming after entrusting precious items. Camelot Jewelers in Dunwoody, Georgia, a northern suburb of Atlanta, announced its closing on a sign displayed on the store's entrance.

"We just want to say a big 'Thank You" to all of our customers over the last 46 years, according to the sign.

"We have appreciated your businessand support! We regret to inform you that as of June 16, 2023, our store will be closed, and no new location."

The jewelry store thanked its loyal customers for their business and support over the past 46 years

The jewelers thanked their customers for their patronage and left the name and phone number of the phony owner, Mike Pearce, for them to call if they had any issues.

While the sign recommended another nearby jeweler for its customers' future needs, Pearce announced in a post on NextDoor, a neighborhood social media app, on June 17 that the store was relocating, according to Rough Draft.

Several customers left messages on the now-defunct storefront, wondering what happened to the jewelrythey left there, while others took to social media to criticize Pearce for his lack of transparency on the store's closure.

“I left my chainthere on June 9 and the guy told me that it would be a week to 10 days before it would be ready,” customer Tracy Notte posted on NextDoor, according to the outlet.

Notte added: “I have to believe that they knew when I dropped off my jewelry that they had no intention of returning it.”

The irate customer said that she contacted and texted Pearce after learning of the store's closure and threatened to file a police report if she did not receive a response.

Notte later stated that two boxes from Camelot Jewelers were delivered to Jewelry Artisans, a nearby company suggested by the closed retailer. Notte explained:

The lady at Artisan said the boxes were a huge mess, no tickets, just jumbled pieces of jewelry and watches, and that there is no way she can find my property for at least a week. They need time to sift through the unorganized boxes and therefore I’m not confident that my chain is actually there.- Tracy Notte

The Owner Of A Jewelry Store Speaks Out

Jamie Kresl, the owner of Jewelry Artisans, responded to multiple harsh comments labeling him a crook. Kresl, who confirmed having some, but not all, of Camelot's jewels, told Rough Draft:

I understand and sympathize with the myriad of emotions that are going on concerning Camelot’s abrupt closing. For the record, I have been trying to help Camelot to save their business for the last six months and unfortunately, my best efforts to help were of no avail.- Jamie Kresl

Kresl stated that he was unaware of the jeweler's closure until after the fact and that he is collaborating with Pearce to recover Camelot customers' belongings.

"It is very sad that this iconic Dunwoody family business has closed, and I ask you to pray for the family," Kresl continued.

The US Sun attempted to reach Pearce using the phone number shown on the closing sign, but the call was routed to Jewelry Artisans.

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