Designer Jewelry
designer jewelry by bernardine


Handcrafted designer jewelry in silver, gold, precious
and semi-precious gemstones.

Opal, Lapis, Amber, Sugilite, Drusy, and other exotic stones.


Custom, one of a kind, and limited edition pieces.

Click on any image for a larger view with description and pricing



Wearable designer jewelry in silver and gold with gemstones.  I use both precious and less than precious gem stones, mixing both the exotic and unusual with more common stones.  

Sometimes, a little treasure that others passed over and rejected as unworthy finds its way into my shop and lends its unique beauty to an unusual and dramatic piece.  My work is primarily one of a kind with a few limited edition or series pieces each year.

This page is just an example of some of my work, so please come in and look at my catalog.    Be sure to go to the What's New link, that's where my newest pieces are shown.  Then, before you leave, see the Stone Talk link which has descriptions and pictures of many gem stones like opal, lapis, sugilite, drusy, chrysoprase, and amber.

Previously Commissioned Work


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Copyright © 1998 - 2001 by Barnacho

This page was last updated on July 6, 2001


