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Ammonite History, Lore, Facts, Myths and Pictures


Ammonites are the ancient equivalent to the modern-day chambered Nautilus. These sea faring squids built a chambered shell in which they would pump air into the empty chambers and float at different levels of the ocean in search of food. This unique ability to float at different depths of the ocean is what inspired Jules Vern (the famous science fiction writer) to call the first submarine the Nautilus. Ammonites lived approximately 400 million years ago.


None found. Doesn't mean there isn't any - I just haven't found any yet.

Ammonite Jewelry and Cabochons

Jewelry made with ammonites.  A selection of freeform cabochons and rough available for custom designed jewelry.

Moroccan ammonite

English ammonite





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December 5, 2002 20:38